Monday 9 December 2013

Our Lady of the Rosary, Kensington - School Presentation

Marie Stanbouli & Ron Hoenig MP
Attending Our Lady of the Rosary, Kensington annual presentation last Friday I was really taken by the impressive achievements of this school. Enrolments are at capacity, and listening to the Principal’s address it is easy to see why.

Ms Marie Nilon School Principal talked about the year that was, and how much the school has been not only responsible for the education of the students, but helping the local community and even more they have done so much for many charitable organisations in need across the globe. What a wonderful truly inspiring story, that a local primary school can seek to make a big difference by helping many people in need.

What was also pleasing to hear was the President of the Parents & Friends Association, Mrs Liz Thorpe talk about all the wonderful events and new initiatives that the P&F have organised over the past year. Mrs Thorpe and the P&F members do a wonderful job and I would like to congratulate them all for making such an effort for the children and their education. Mrs Thorpe went on to tell all, that over 100 parents volunteered over the past year, and she challenged every parent of the school just to give one hour next year as that one hour makes big changes which can help the school raise much needed funds. Incredibly the P&F raised $50,000 this year.

Ron Hoenig at OLR Presentation
I had the honour in presenting Miss Marie Stanbouli from Year 6 who was awarded the “Ron Hoenig MP Outstanding Leadership Award”. Marie is well deserving of this award as she demonstrates all qualities needed that are found in leaders.

I would also like to congratulate all the students who received awards during the night and I wish all the Year 6 students the very best in their new chapter of their life as they move from Primary school into High school in 2014.

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