Tuesday 1 March 2016

The Battle of Waterloo - 3000 public housing tenants to be kicked out of their homes.

Channel 9's 'A Current Affair' has exposed plans by the NSW Liberal Government in kicking out 3000 of my Waterloo public housing constituents as the shameful sham that it is.

Ask yourself this question? Why do you need a 'Metro Station' in Waterloo near Botany Road to transport people into the City or Sydenham when they live 10 minutes walk from Redfern Station, 10 minutes walk from Green Square Station, and 2 minutes walk to Botany Road to catch a bus?

Please tell me why an incompetent government has now the buses into the city running along side the train lines into the city? Please tell me why you now plan to also run a 'Metro' line into the city? 3 forms of public transport all parallel to each other.

Please tell me if you are going to spend money on an underground 'Metro' at that location and why would you not run a line through Danks Street and Crystal Street, Waterloo and continue on to Zetland, Victoria Park and Rosebery which is the largest urban renewal in Australia's history with 70,000 extra people to be accommodated and where no adequate public transport exists?

The answer is simply because this is just a smoke screen to hand over public housing land to developers for profit. There will be 30% of this wonderful mixed development set aside for "social  housing" in 20 years time and the residents will come back. Most are in their 70's and it is their home.

My view this is really is a disgraceful smoke screen to mask the Liberals true intention. Mike Baird comes across as a nice guy, and he is. But that nice guy image masks the true philosophy of this conservative profit driven merchant banker.

Have a look at the attitude in the 'Current Affair' story of the Minister for Social Housing, Brad Hazzard and ask yourself whether my constituents would be better off trusting this government. 

1 comment:

  1. Totally agree that the location of the new metro station is really just gentrification in disguise. If this was about improving public transport then a station closer to the Danks St, Crystal St area would be the logical choice. You can't even get on a bus in peak time & the traffic is ridiculous all the time now. The current system just can't cope with all the new apartments being built and instead of fixing the problem they are creating another one by evicting long term residents of the area and selling off public land to developers! I love the mix of social and private housing in Waterloo, it makes for a diverse community & I don't want to see my neighbours evicted. Surely the people who are actually going to use this new metro station should get a say in where it goes?
